Friday, April 9, 2010

My Countdown Calendar...

I made a countdown calendar to when Ryan comes home and I finally finished it. The red days are 300, 200, 100 and the last 10 before he comes home! It will stay there permanently till he is home! We are down to 344 days till he comes home!


  1. How cute!!!! You are a cute wife!!!!

  2. You are just so strong. I really admire you.

  3. I am not strong. Just passing the time and wanting to see the time that passes so I can look forward to the future. This is really hard. Hope you never experience this.

  4. I love your calendar (and you)! How creative!!!

  5. I LIVE by the numbers on my Missionaries calendar - it's covered with different colored stickers for each month - and then I have to go out and find just the right sticker for special occasions. Time passes quickly - and the days that have passed will add up and you'll be amazed one day when the 'to go' are very few and the 'made it through that one' days are many. I thought of a chain like you use to make at christmas - but I found out that I couldn't part with the links after I cut them off! Each one told a story! (: Love ya!

  6. Oh wow, that just seems like it would make it harder. You are so incredibly strong. You two have been through so much and have come out stronger - you are going to be fine. You two are amazing!
